Restoring Old Textiles
/Orphaned quilt blocks
When I buy (acquire) old textiles there is a process to get them ready for a new life! The first step is to be machine washed. Then they get hung up to air dry. Then they get soaked overnight in a special fabric restoration detergent. I spared you the photo of the dirty water after the soak! It was disgusting! And that was *after* they had been washed! Ew. From the soak they go through a machine rinse and spin. Then they get hung out in the sunlight for the final step. It's *amazing* how that soak and line dry brightens them up. They look so much younger after that! Then I lovingly iron them all before I fold them up and store them until use. Ironing is when I Ooh and Ahh to myself. These old textiles never cease to give me joy!
Feed sacks blowing in the breeze
This is an old quilt top, waiting to see what it will become…