/Grandma’s quilt on Grandpa’s quilt rack.
I am blessed to come from a long family legacy of faith, service, kindness, and creativity. I didn't "do" anything to earn my ancestry but I reap the blessings of it. And I'm mindful of the legacy that I will leave for future generations.
This new little knick knack that I recently acquired reminds me of that legacy. I received it from my aunt a few weeks ago when she was downsizing. It was made by my maternal grandparents when they were in their late retirement years. My grandpa was a skilled wood craftsman and my grandma was a talented seamstress. Together they made these miniature quilt racks to sell locally. The quilt pattern is printed on the fabric, but my grandma hand-stitched around the pattern, in her perfectly even stitches, to make it look quilted. I didn't appreciate this when they were making them, but now that they are both gone I love that I can have this reminder of them that both their hands have touched.
May we all be mindful of those who have gone before us and those who will come after us. And do our part to make this world better while we are here.
Look at my grandma’s tiny stitches!