Social Distancing Diaries: Day 4
/Dear Diary,
Optimistic that today would be special, I changed out of my grey joggers that I had been wearing for 3 days into my blue joggers. Funny how they are called joggers. Mine don’t even walk without me in them.
9:00am: In an effort to ground the uncertainty of our lives on the certainty of Jesus, today was our first Family Worship Time. It was a short time of worship and prayer. If you’d like us to pray for your specific needs, please let me know.
Today also seemed to be the day when the reality of the isolation began to settle in. Although all 6 of us are now together under one roof, 3 of the 4 students aren’t equipped with academic materials. That’s especially been hard on Ellen who left campus for spring break—not for an indefinite hiatus which has turned into online classes. So she doesn’t have all of her books and notes. And not knowing when she’ll be reunited with her belongings and friends is difficult. Eden the Extrovert is struggling too. After some moments of smacking up against reality she rallied and occupied herself in great ways. But truthfully there’s been a fair amount of Door Slamming and Angry Words today.
12:30pm: We also had moments of levity. The girls and I worked together to create a new version of Chris Tomlin’s worship song, “Give Us Clean Hands.” Here’s our lyrics:
We wash our hands.
We do not sneeze.
Oh Spirit come keep us healthy.
We stay inside.
We do not leave.
Oh Lord we might go crazy.
Give us clean hands.
Give us Purell.
Let us not touch our hands to our faces
Oh God let us be a generation that keeps
That keeps away from all our neighbors…
2:30pm: Eden and Grandma and I walked down to the farm to visit the goats. That was delightful. Baby goats are always delightful.
Today’s Best Quote was: “It’s social isolation, not the Hunger Games!”
Eden quickly became popular with the goats.
Someone needs to learn social distancing.
Oh for the love all things adorable!