Social Distancing Diaries: Day 3
/Day 3: Dear Diary,
6:30am: Woke up early to send Hubs off on a road trip across the state to retrieve Daughter #4 from her college. Last night the school said they should either leave or be stuck on campus. She was eager to get outta Dodge. So thankful for sunny skies to facilitate an easy trip. Her online classes don’t begin until next Monday, so guess who’s happy. Until she figures out that I have a LONG list of “projects” with which I need help.
Without going into the gory details, I spent the rest of the morning sick. *Not* COVID-19. I said I’d spare the details.
12:30pm: With the morning’s plague apparently gone, I took advantage of the sunshine streaming in the windows to wash all of the curtains and clean the windows. Lily helped. I keep a mental collection of things I’ve said as a parent that I never expected to say. Today I added, “Don’t waste the hand sanitizer on a dead bug!” My favorite is, “Get your head out of the potty! How many times do I have to tell you?!”
4:30pm: Having arrived home, we moved Hayley’s things back into the house. Wasn’t expecting to do that until May. Perhaps that frees up a day for me in May. Or, if I’m lucky (and I really would be thrilled if this was the case, but I doubt it) I’ll get to move Hayley back into her dorm and then out AGAIN in May!
Seriously though, my heart breaks for the students who are being sent home from their study abroad programs and for young adults being sent home before finishing their missions with the World Race. Ellen plans to study abroad next spring and last year Hayley was on the World Race. I can’t imagine either of them having to come home early. They would be devastated. So please pray for these students. And seniors, both High School and college, who are missing out on things they’ve looked forward to for years. I don’t doubt the decisions to send them home, but it’s sad nonetheless. While you’re praying, send up some intercession for the health care providers. God bless the healthcare providers.
6:00pm: Supper. Ate the homemade chicken noodle soup that my mom made for us when she found out that I was sick this morning. I’m legit spoiled.
Hi MooMoo! It’s nice to have you home again! Thanks for bringing Hayley with you!