Open House Preview
/Just a quick post to let you know, or remind you, that the First Ever Naptime Inspirations Open House and Pop Up Sale will take place on June 5, 9am-3pm (1844 Cloverleaf Rd, Mount Joy, PA).
There are 2 highlights to this Open House: 1) Amazing discounts on discontinued inventory. It needs to go! Now. 2) See for yourself the results of the studio renovation that we did over the winter. Admittedly, the renovation reveal would be most impressive if you knew what the “Before” looked like. But I still think the “After” is beautiful even on its own. It’s also very functional, so for any of you crafty types, you will enjoy the organization.
The man in the plaid is my dad. He built that workstation out of used cabinets. He also installed all of the cabinets in this renovation. The man in the sweatshirt is Tyler, Ellen’s boyfriend. He lent a hand with the awkward angles and heavy lifting.
It seems the organizational bug is spreading in our family. Tom has been organizing the books in his office and he has LOTS of books to give away! They are Theology and Christian Living books. Let me know if you have questions about what he has and I’ll find out for you.
I’ll include a few pictures here but I’ll wait until after the Open House to show all the photos.
Existing cabinets and shelves. I intended to use all IKEA Ivar shelves (such as these). But they were out of stock when I needed to begin the project. Therefore I decided to go with a combination of unfinished stock cabinets from Home Depot and IKEA Ivar shelves.
Please mark your calendars for June 5! I’ll have a tent in the backyard for the items for sale. There will be snacks and beverages if you get the munchies. Bring a friend and make it an outing! If you can’t be there, you can tell your friends!
Here’s the IKEA Ivar shelf from the above picture after it was moved to a new location and painted.
Some days I felt like I would be painting shelves and door FOREVER.
I searched Pinterest for inspiration for inexpensive drawer/cabinet pulls and came across the idea to use skeleton keys. My in-laws have a stockpile of old keys in their basement, leftover from a hardware store that was a family business in Manhattan many years ago. They graciously gave me all the keys I needed. My dad figured out how to solder spacers onto the keys. Easier said than done!