Social Distancing Diaries: Day 370
/Dear Diary
8:00am-8:00pm: Spent the day on a college visit with my 16 year old, Eden. This was her first visit and she assures me that there is nowhere else she wants to attend, so I guess my work is done!
Is it really a college visit without a photo in front of the school sign??
About a year ago Eden expressed interest in attending the University of Valley Forge. The school holds special visitation days for high schoolers. Typically they are overnight affairs, but COVID restrictions has turned them into one day visits. I found it to be part youth retreat-part college admissions visit. A lot of students attend with a youth leader, so there were a few groups of high schoolers there, along with the single kids-with-parent(s). Nothing was said about tuition, financial aid, or scholarships but we did sit in on 2 classes (among many other activities). It’s an Assemblies of God school and I get the impression that the AOG are a close knit group. These events for high schoolers are really popular with the AOG youth. It’s a small campus but everyone we met was extremely friendly and welcoming. I think Eden would fit in nicely there. Check back in 2 years to see if she changes her mind. I doubt she will. She described her decision making to me like this: Either she is totally indecisive or she knows exactly what she wants. There’s not much grey area in Eden’s world.
Eden insisted we visit the library
Eden knows 2 current students at UVF and we were able to spend a bit of time with them both today. That’s always cool to hear about school from the insider perspective!
We had high hopes of winning the scavenger hunt that was to go throughout the day. But sadly it was scrapped due to technical difficulties. It did leave us with some weird photos we would not otherwise have taken! Nothing like coming out of your comfort zone in an effort to win a t-shirt and beanie!
Hi Aleysha!
Fun Fact: The campus of UVF used to be the Valley Forge General Hospital, a WWII Army hospital. The college bought the property in 1976 for $1.
8:00pm-9:40pm: When we came home Eden eagerly shared every detail about our day with dad and Lily. Lily eagerly shared every detail about her day with Eden and I. That pretty much sums up my day! I have no doubt that Eden will declare this post to me “not funny”. Hopefully I can redeem myself for tomorrow—the last post of the Social Distancing Diaries Reboot!
Hi Kayla!
We made sure to snap our obligatory selfie