/One of the most rewarding things in life are the friendships that endure year after year, despite physical distance. One of those friendships in my life is with Andy and Jodi Walsh.
We first met Andy and Jodi when they came to Carnegie Mellon University as freshmen! Tom was on staff with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship and CMU was one of the campuses that he was responsible for. Andy and Jodi both became integral parts of our campus fellowship group and helped to grow the group from just a handful of students to a thriving, vibrant ministry.
Nicolette Dixon Photography
Andy and I shared a love of biology. I even called upon him to take over teaching my homeschooling co-op class when I needed to take a leave of absence. Jodi’s quick laugh and heart for Jesus made her a vital part of the women’s Bible study that I led on campus. Fast forward 4 years, they ended up getting married and shuffled off to Baltimore where Jodi became an art teacher and Andy attended graduate school.
Fast forward a few more years, Andy and Jodi were ready to return to Pittsburgh at the same time that we were looking to leave. They needed a home and we needed to sell ours! It was the perfect match. And it was fun to visit “our house” on our visits to Pittsburgh while they lived there.
I’ve mentioned Andy and Jodi in a previous blogpost because this spring they launched their podcast, Bio Break. Because of the pandemic, and Andy’s job of analyzing public health data, many of the episodes have focused on interpreting the latest CDC directives and developments as the pandemic unfolds. But they’ve also brought in some special guests including both of their kids.
Andy has an affinity for science fiction (sorry, Andy, I don’t share that interest with you!) and has even published a book that explores the intersection of science fiction and Christian faith. Some of you may be into that.
Jodi runs a successful and inventive photography business, Jodi Walsh Photography, and has been so kind to partner with Naptime Inspirations over the years. She’s been known to give Naptime Inspirations baby gifts to her newborn photography customers. It’s always an encouragement when other businesses affirm your own business and Jodi does that so well. This summer she was game for a last minute request of mine to do a photoshoot literally the next day, as I was coming to Pittsburgh for a few hours. It was so much fun (and awkward, let’s admit it) to be the star of a photoshoot. Jodi has an artist’s eye for color and composition and the pictures turned out beautifully. You can’t even see how much I was sweating! You must check out Jodi’s Storybook sessions. They are my absolute favorite!
I’m grateful for friendships that endure even without physical proximity. For all of the downsides of social media it does allow us to keep in touch with people with whom we’d likely lose touch. Perhaps it was the intense stage of life we were in while we lived in Pittsburgh (our first 10 years of marriage), but we forged some of the most significant and enduring friendships of our lives. I will forever be thankful. Do you have a similar stage of life?