Unstructured Days

I like to have some structure to my days but I also like them to have flexibility. I find, as a mom, that a good portion of my summer days is occupied by taking care of family needs. But occasionally, a day will take an unexpected, pleasant turn. Today was that day.

Why, oh why, can’t they all ripen at once??

Why, oh why, can’t they all ripen at once??

My day began with berry picking with my mom and Ellen. Sadly, our efforts were not rewarded with gobs of shiny berries. But even as I was bemoaning the lack of berries, Ellen was sharing how delighted she was to spend a few hours with her mom and Grandma. That certainly put the right perspective on things! Thanks, Ellen, for reminding me that sometimes the stated goal is not the most important outcome.

After berry picking I helped Lily with cookie baking. She tried a new recipe for “2 Day Cookies”, so called because you’re supposed to let the dough rest in the fridge for 36 hours before baking. We mixed these up yesterday. It involved making our own toffee (to DIE for!) and brown butter. The finished product did not disappoint. Wow, they are good!

The mask that set my day on fire!

The mask that set my day on fire!

I had several options then of how I could spend the rest of my day. I could mow. I could paint doors in the basement (3 down, 3 to go!). I could sew (I had a few projects to work on). I opted for sewing. I had an order for 2 masks in 2 different fun flamingo fabrics. When they were completed I remembered to photograph them and I posted to Instagram and Facebook. I guess it was good timing since just yesterday our governor declared a mandate to wear masks in public spaces. I figure if you have to wear them, you might as well enjoy what they look like! I also made my first video (a big step for me!) with Lily’s help. Apparently others agreed that they needed cute masks because the orders immediately began to pour in. I ended up spending the rest of the day cutting, sewing, and taking pictures of fabric so that my customers end up with a mask of their dreams. Somehow the rest of the family occupied themselves and got along with each other too!

It’s hard to explain the rush I feel when someone places an order. I absolutely LOVE to make things that people enjoy. I’m so grateful that this is my job! Thank you to everyone who ordered today, or in the past, or never has but enjoys my photos and blog anyway! You are such an encouragement to me!