Social Distancing Diaries: Day 83
/Dear Diary
We need a summer vacation restart! Does anyone else feel like this? We’ve been living at home for so long that now that school is over it doesn’t feel any different, except that the kids have less to do! Eden has wandered aimlessly around the house for 2 days. Today she declared, “Meals are the only thing I look forward to now!” Mood. How are your kids spending their time this summer, with typical activities cancelled?
The last two summers Lily occupied much of her time making slime. The Slime Phase has ended but it’s been replaced by the Baking Phase. I guess baking is more productive, but it definitely has more calories than slime!
Tomorrow Lancaster county moves to “yellow.” That doesn’t mean the end to Social Distancing, but I think it’s a good time to slow down the “Social Distancing Diaries.” I started this blog on a whim and many of you have told me how you look forward to reading it each day. I can’t tell you how encouraging that is to me! This has been such a weird and difficult 3 months; if I can bring a little levity into it, I’m happy to do so. But it is quite rigorous to write something worthy of reading every single day. Often I don’t begin to write until 9:30 or 10pm. Starting tomorrow I will write less frequently, maybe 3 days a week? I’ll still post the link on Facebook, so hopefully you’ll see it. Thanks again for your support!