Social Distancing Diaries: Day 12
/Dear Diary
It’s weird how we’re falling into a routine. It doesn’t seem quite so strange anymore. Today we received word that Ellen will be finishing her semester at home. We still don’t know when or what the procedure will be for retrieving her belongings from Gordon College, but at some point we’ll have to make a trip to Massachusetts. Grove City College has yet to make a similar announcement, but Hayley has already moved out, so… College classes for both girls seem to be going pretty well.
And today we received word that the public school will begin online classes on Monday. I think both girls will be eager to have some school work. I’m not just making that up—they’ve said it!
Another thing I find strange is that my anxiety level hasn’t gone way down. That may seem like the most obvious thing in the world, but I’m not particularly anxious about contracting the virus. I think I’m anxious that I’m not accomplishing more during this time. There’s a slew of things I say I’d like to tackle When I Have the Time. And now, I Have the Time! But there is still not enough hours in the day for them. I try to give myself grace and remind myself that it really does require a lot of time to manage a household of 6 people, even when no one is going anywhere. But I still can’t help but think I should be doing more. And it causes me anxiety. Truth be told, I think I also feel anxious about the prospect of returning to “normal” life. In my ideal world I’d be home all day, every day. Except for occasional fun outings. Now, in a strange turn of events, I’m living my ideal life (minus the fun outings). And I feel anxious when I consider having to go back to those other activities. Then I wonder if I’m a touch agoraphobic! And then I feel anxious about that!
Waffles for Supper! One batch was not enough. Two batches was too much. This recipe is akin to the Kashi frozen waffles. They freeze well :)