Social Distancing Diaries: Day 7
/Dear Diary
Laundry Day. Not everyone in this house wears the same pair of joggers for 3 days in a row. That’s all I’m saying.
10:00am: Moved a card table into Ellen’s bedroom in hopes of it magically transforming itself into a desk. She misses her “spot” in the campus library. At Gordon she is plagued by a flock of crazy noisy birds outside her dorm room window. They are so loud they wake up Ellen and her roommate. I was concerned that she was trading the crazy noisy birds for squawking chickens and a rooster, but apparently she doesn’t mind chicken sounds.
That card table has waited its whole life to become Ellen’s Cool Desk. #forsuchatimeasthis
11:00am: Daily lunch run! Gave and received virtual hugs from Mrs. Walmer as we drove through the parking lot . Much rejoicing to find Trix breakfast bars in the bags today.
1:43pm: The washer and the dryer cycle ended AT THE SAME TIME today. My work on earth is done.
2:30pm: We’re dog-sitting for the weekend! It’s great to have Sadie here for a distraction . Folks, it was 75 degrees today! Crazy pants.
3:30pm: Fulfilled Ellen’s dreams by letting her clean out a few cupboards. Side benefit: REALLY happy chickens (lots of old crackers, etc.).
6:00pm: Since it’s become a hot topic, today’s supper was meatloaf (rosemary and sundried tomatoes), pierogies, roasted cauliflower (sumac and curry).
Tonight’s movie was the live action Lion King. Meh. When you know the plot so well, it’s hard to get excited.