Social Distancing Diaries
/Day 1: Dear Diary,
The electric hedge trimmers is my favorite tool. Curiously I have no hedges.
6:40am: My day began with Eden waking me up to ask if I knew if the event she is schedule to attend *tomorrow* night has been canceled. Interesting that she thought I had new information on this since I went to bed last night. My curiosity insatiable in the pre-dawn hours I asked, “Why would you wake me up to ask that??”
7:00am: Breakfast with Eden where I fielded multiple questions about the quarantine. Or maybe it was the same question asked multiple times. I can’t quite remember.
7:30am: Rules were established for Eden. 1. You must ask for, and receive, permission before hugging someone. Later a corollary to #1 was added: If the answer is “NO”, you must take a step back. 2. Entering someone’s bedroom is not an acceptable way to ascertain their sleep status.
8:00am: Lily is now up. She and Eden tried to lay across the reclining loveseat which resulted in stuck feet. No permanent injuries were reported, but a Rule was made that they needed to sit on separate pieces of furniture. Immediately (did I mention immediately) failing to follow that rule they were sent to separate bedrooms with mom insisting, “We are not doing this for the next 2 weeks! No way!”
9:00am: Assisted Eden in going through her clothes to get rid of items she no longer wears. Relatively painless.
10:00am: Announced I was going outside to “muck out the chicken coops.” Curiously, no one followed me. Note to self: “muck out the chicken coops” could become an effective euphemism.
12:00pm: After 2 hours of clearing flower beds I still had not gotten to the chicken coops. Went inside for lunch.
Happy chickens
12:30: Started to panic that we didn’t have enough food. Hubs volunteered to go to the store. Note to self: Locate a “Husband of the Year” award.
1:30pm: Back outside to for-real muck out the chicken coops. Thankful to partner with the hubs. Happy hens!
2:30pm: Baked cookies to take to lunch tomorrow. Had a helper. She bailed at baking time. No doubt she had pressing matters to attend to. She came back at tasting time.
6:00pm: Enjoyed distant interaction outside at the neighbor’s weiner roast! The neighbor is also extended family. Luckily for us, most neighbors are extended family.